Sunday, April 12, 2009

Flag Burning

Can you Legally burn a flag....???

According to Mr. Johnson's case, the burning of a flag is okay because it is a protected expression under the First Amendment. The court can't justify prohibitions of speech.

Apparently, it is okay to legally burn a flag. to somepeople it could be disrespectful and hurful, but to others, it could simply be a way of expressing feelings of happiness and thankfulness and celebrating. So Flag burning is a form of protected speech. This is a good thing because people should be able to express their opinions or their freedom of speech because that is what the First Ammendment states.

Should flag burning be allowed as free and protected speech??

We think that flag burning should be allowed as a free and protected speech. Some people think that flag burning is a very bad thing and it is cruel to America, but others do it as a symbol of celebration for our Country. Some people are even superstitious about if a flag is dropped, it should be immediately burned. So there are many different perspectives on this issue. Sara and I both agree that people should have the right to express their opinions of the matter by doing what they feel is necessary. If that person feels like they need to go take the effort and burn a flag to portray their thoughts and feelings about the United States, that should be okay because it is simply expressing their freedom of speech. We both enjoyed watching the short video because they basically explained in magic form, that flag burning is simply a way of expressing a person's freedom of speech.

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